Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Oh Snow!!!

Well like most of the country normal life has been disrupted by snow, large amounts of snow!!
The boys school was closed today (why wasn't it closed yesterday???? the boys hated that I made them walk to school!!)
So they have spent the day playing and watching dvd's and causing chaos!
Sadly it has meant that I haven't had chance to get to my craft desk.
But I'm hoping I can tomorrow.

So here is a snowy pic of the kids with a snowman/snowbear, can't decide which!
I love Ben's grin, smiling even though he was frozen.
Here's hoping for another snow day tomorrow so I don't have to try and get the car out or walk 2 miles to school up that big slippery hill!

Wrap up warm.
Sarah x


cardsandacuppa said...

Well done boys, lovely snow bear/man! they have shut the schools round here for tomorrow already, so a nice lie in may just be in order and Neil has got the rest of the week off too, but not due to snow ;0)
Take care and have fun,
Sarah-Jane xxx

Julie Kettlewell - Stampin Up UK Independent Demonstrator - Order products 24/7 said...

Awww look at them! Smiling for Mum even though they are freezing! I havent been out since 3pm on Tuesday, going to have to drag myself out today though! Stay warm, Jules x