Sorry for not posting. This week has been hectic, Samuel was back at school on Wednesday, he's in year 1 now. He's loving being back but is shattered. I think it's a bit of a shock to the system as he is doing more work and less playing, plus he has more homework too!
I'm busy trying to get Ben ready for nursery, he starts next week. We are trying to get him used to the routine of getting up and having breakfast by 8am, which is a tall order as he used to have breakfast when we got home from taking Sam to school.
So here they both are looking rather smart in their uniform!
I'm hoping to back to normal next week and as Ben will be at nursery I shall have a bit more time to craft, which I'm looking forward too as my pre order items from the new Stampin'Up catalogue are winging there way as we speak!!
Sarah x
Awww Sarah...how quick they grow up!! they look gorgeous in their uniforms....and you think you will have more time for crafting???!!!love Elaine xx
Awwwww, how gorgeous are they?!! Just wanna cuddle them lol
Have a great weekend hun
Steph xxx
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