Flower pot cards seem to be very popular on most blogs at the moment, but I thought I would try something a bit different.
As it is holiday time, what better than a bucket and spade!

Of course it had to be complete with sand to ready for making that all important sand castle.

Pull the spade out of the bucket to reveal a cheeky snail and of course somewhere to write those holiday greetings, usually all about the weather!!

And of course no sand castle is complete without pebbles (ok I know they are buttons but they are perfect for the job)!
Sadly in this wet weather I don't think we will be building any sand castles soon! So I've been keeping the boys busy with some baking, current buns complete with icing and cherries on top and some yummy lemon cakes!
I'm hoping it won't be too long before I can get to my desk again! (I live in hope)
Sarah x
Wow I love this idea, its great, I think crafter's license can excuse the buttons as pebbles Hugs Sarah B X
What a super idea Sarah - love it!! Elaine x
This is a super idea Sarah, I love it! Jules x
wow what a gorgoeus idea.
Love it
Deb xx
How cool is that card? Love the 'pebble' embellies too! TFS
This is amazing. Did you draw the template for the card yourself? Just perfect for holiday season and the colours/embellishments and everything about it is so cute.
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